Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Monthly Pastor Meetings

April 13, 2015 was the first time we met. At these meetings, the three pastors (one from each church) typically have a meal, share our prayer requests, plan and brainstorm about upcoming activities and close with prayer.

For the last year, we have been consistent on meeting monthly. This helps to not only build our relationships with one another, but stay on top of what is happening in our community of Hanover-Horton.

The meeting place changes each month, moving from church to church. This allows us to "step foot" in each others churches and become familiar with the different ways we "do church".

1 comment:

  1. We spend considerable time each month in discussion about furthering this unity we've become a part of...and the time is not only productive, but precious. We bounce ideas off each other and it's amazing how God orchestrates the details:) In the beginning we were wading through uncharted waters, but the past several months we accomplish much more planning based on past events and the UNITY just keeps getting bigger.
