Thursday, April 7, 2016

Good Friday Service

This community event has been consistently happening for over 10 years. Actually, this was the only time that all of the churches from many denominations came together in our area. On March 25, 2016 we held the Community Good Friday service at Concord UMC. There were 8 churches represented within the program, and maybe more within the congregation. It was well attended, and HHCC, Hillside UMC, and Horton Congregational all took a part in the service.


  1. Our family enjoyed being able to be apart of such a well attended program on Good Friday!

  2. It was Great to see all the churches come together for the Good Friday service. Walking in UNITY and LOVE is what will create change!

  3. This year's Good Friday Service was truly amazing. The service was well attended, and the sermon was powerful.
