Horton, MI 49246
Pastor: Pat Pebley
Hillside United
Methodist Church traces its roots back to John Wesley, an Anglican priest
in the Church of England in the 1700s. John and his brother, Charles, intended
to revitalize the Church of England by forming societies of
"Methodists"– so called because the members followed a daily routine
of religious observance and social work.
Part of the mark of being a
United Methodist is that we hold a wide range of theological beliefs. John
Wesley said, "As to all opinions which do not strike at the root of
Christianity, we think and let think." In general, we agree on the major
aspects of theology. We believe in a Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in God’s love and forgiveness of all people. We believe in the
mystery of salvation through Jesus Christ. And we believe in celebrating the
Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.
For United Methodists,
social consciousness has always gone hand in hand with faith. We believe, with
John Wesley, "that the world is our parish." Hence, we support
mission and justice work locally, regionally and around the world. We cherish
an ecumenical tradition and seek to work together with other Christian
denominations as well as other religions. We believe in the dignity of each
person and the practice of total democracy in our church’s life.
John Wesley believed that
the living core of the Christian faith was revealed in Scripture, illumined by tradition, vivified in
personal experience, and
confirmed by reason.
United Methodists today
follow four main guidelines that help us understand our faith. Scripture, Tradition, Experience, & Reason:
Scripture - United Methodists share with other Christians the
conviction that Scripture is the primary source and criterion for Christian
doctrine. Through Scripture the living Christ meets us in the experience of redeeming
grace. We are convinced that Jesus Christ is the living Word of God in our
midst whom we trust in life and death.
Tradition - The story of the church reflects the most basic sense of
tradition, the continuing activity of God's Spirit transforming human life.
Tradition is the history of that continuing environment of grace in and by
which all Christians live, God's self-giving love in Jesus Christ. As such,
tradition transcends the story of particular traditions.
Experience - Some facets of human experience tax our theological
understanding. Many of God's people live in terror, hunger, loneliness, and
degradation. Everyday experiences of birth and death, of growth and life in the
created world, and an awareness of wider social relations also belong to
serious theological reflection. A new awareness of such experiences can inform
our appropriation of scriptural truths and sharpen our appreciation of the good
news of the kingdom of God.
Reason - Although we recognize that God’s revelation and our
experiences of God’s grace continually surpass the scope of human language and
reason, we also believe that any disciplined theological work calls for the
careful use of reason. By reason we read and interpret Scripture. By reason we
determine whether our Christian witness is clear. By reason we ask questions of
faith and seek to understand God’s action and will.
Our Mission
at Hillside United Methodist Church, to the glory of God, is a community of
believers who witness to the love and power of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision
at Hillside United Methodist Church is – Growing a family friendly church
entered on Christ embracing our community.
Main service time
11:00 am
Sunday school time
9:30 am
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